Robert Sean Leonard访谈

无意中读到多年前Robert Sean Leonard的访谈,那时候他刚开始演House。他说他演了20年舞台剧,然后发现自己和未婚妻在纽约买不起一套公寓。于是他想,去演电视剧吧。赚了钱再回舞台也挺好。“因为我见过花钱最省的人,除了我之外,就是我未婚妻了”。God I love him.


“It’s a great trade-off. I long to be home, but I like picking the check up as much as the next guy. And the money’s great [in TV]. And theater…I don’t know anyone who’s done 20 years of theater who doesn’t really value money. Because boy oh boy you don’t get [any money there]. So to me this is a small miracle to get the money I’m getting for pretending I’m another human being and wear a tailored lab coat. It’s ludicrous. Especially [since] my brother’s a policeman and my sister’s an English teacher. Believe me, the absurdity is not lost on me. But it makes sense. Should Andy Pettitte make 749 times what a cop makes? Morally, I don’t know. But it makes sense, if the Yankees make this much a year, and he’s 11 percent of the reason they make this much. The math works, even though it’s absurd. I’m glad the show’s a hit, I wouldn’t have it any other way, and I also curse it and miss my home. Both things exist equally in my head.”——A Summer Away from House, interview,,,20044586_3,00.html


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