我是怎么变成今天这样子的?–评John Mayer《Born and Raised》

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温暖的南方摇滚,无论视觉还是听觉上。很难确定JM是在向谁致敬,Lynyrd Skynyrd,或者Allman Brothers……但应该不会是老鹰。

纪录片Where the light is 里,John Mayer说,Trio对他来说意义很特别,因为这是三个artist的对话,当他弹起一个翻唱的riff,bandmate会觉得,哦,John脑子还在转呢,他还没有变成老屁。

曾经英雄,如今老屁的人满天下,满微博,满电视满杂志。其实谁又能卓越到哪里去呢?纵然John Mayer是才华傲人,手技无敌的当代吉他之王,让无数女人欲怀孕而不能的排行榜大帅哥,他能提供的,也就是几年一张专辑,和几轮巡演而已。他没有sign up for giving his life, 但他入了行,就得这样。

“Now the cover of the Rolling Stone, ain’t the cover of the Rolling Stone” –“Speak For Me” by John Mayer,

所以一转眼,Battle Studies过去了2年,又到了回首人生,拿起吉他发些感慨的时候。这次,John Mayer背向娱乐走了更远。如果你想的还是什么“Your body is a wonderland”或者“Daughters”的话,那新专辑可以说是坑爹了。JM是1977年生人,他不会继续呆在26岁,搞不懂女生是怎么想的之类的,come on 看看你我身边的35岁的人。

“I still got time, I still got faith
I call on both of my brothers
I got a mom, I got a dad
But they do not have each other”

–”Born and Raised” by John Mayer,

JM说,这是他历史上最诚实的一张专辑。其实Honest这词也没有很准确的翻译,看了歌词你就明白了。 从“为赋新词强说愁”的技术性装逼,到中年人的酒后真言,JM正值他最坦诚,而又不难懂的时期。等到连烦恼都没有了,大彻大悟地去唱佛经了(参考许巍)……你懂的

“There’s only man in this world
Who gets to sleep with her by his side
I’m thinking something like Olivia
Could keep me through the night”

–”Something like Olivia” by John Mayer,

这是一首“到此为止“的情歌,人家就想找一个好姑娘,好好过日子了……把情感问题的困惑交给Jason Mraz好了。

“When you gonna wise up, boy?
You are hiding in your mind
Working all the time
Trying to make it better than you got it”

–”If I ever get around to living” By John Mayer,


“Walt Grace, desperately hating his whole place,
Dreamed to discover a new space,
And buried himself alive,
Inside his basement, tongue on the side of his face when,
He’s working away on displacement,
And what it would take to survive.”

–”Walt Grace’s Submarine Test, January 1967″ By John Mayer,

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